Art Supplies for Art & Yoga Retreat

Below is a list of art supplies from Gayle & Jennifer:

•The main supplies you need for the class are listed below. We also encourage you to also bring a few of your personal favorites.

Gayle’s favorites supplies:


Sketchbook Strathmore Mixed Media 500 series and/or Muji Sketchbook for sketching and notes


Turner Acryla Gouache (a basic set of 12 ) We have some favorite colors besides these in the set, its fun to pick out a few more that you love.

Jennifer’s fave colors:

Winsor Newton Designer Gouache: Perylene Violet; Linden Green, Opera Pink

Gayle’s fave colors:

Turner Acryl Gouache: Japanesque Strong Orange, Beryl Green, Permanent White Winsor Newton Designer Gouache


Princeton Brushes /Round size #2, 5 and 10 or just a small and a larger one. Please bring you favorite brushes too. For a brush splurge we love Escoda Perla Travel Set.

Watercolor Pencils:

You only need a few colors but this is a very nice set and you can use them for sketching. If you have others of a different brand, bring those too.


For mixing paint. We both use a paper palette, Any brand is fine. You can also use a ceramic dish or plastic palettes

Dip Pen:

If we mention a dip pen. E+M nib pen is really nice, but you can use any brand with a thin tip


Pack for Mexico


Pack for Greece