
yogiMartin Scott



Martin Scott

Who I am shows in every piece of my teaching.  I am traditionally non-traditional.  My classes are joyful, purposeful, and intentional.  I believe in the transformative powers of regular practice and see it as a one-way ticket to freedom and happiness.  I love to laugh and play while still maintaining deep focus, or drishti.  Yoga makes us happy so we should enjoy the practice! 

I believe that yoga is a lifelong journey that never ends and we can all do yoga in some way shape or form. The mat is the launching pad, yoga is the vehicle, and the destination is the Self. I ask my students to do their best and I remind them that their Yoga practice is a metaphor for life. When the going gets tough, just take a breath and keep your drishti. My philosophy is "It's YOUR practice.”


"Welcome to your life - there's no turning back.”

— Tears for Fears


Travel With Martin

Join Martin’s Upcoming Euphoria Yoga Retreats


“Come to the edge, he said.

They said: We are afraid.

Come to the edge, he said.

They came.

He pushed them and they flew.”

- Guillaume Apollinaire


In Martin’s Words


How yoga happened to me

When I discovered yoga, I was immediately hooked.  I was never good at sports and I wasn’t that great at the gym either.  I always enjoyed movement and exercise but I never found the right thing for me.  In 2000, Yoga was just becoming mainstream and so I decided to check it out.  I found a studio close to my house and I  signed up for a class without any idea of what to do or expect.  I didn’t love the teacher in that first class but, I love the way I felt afterward.  I figured out there were different teachers and different styles so I just kept trying classes until I found a teacher I liked then I dove in head first! 

After years of regular practice, I wanted to learn more about yoga so I took the advice of my teacher and signed up for a teacher training with Sri Dharma Mittra. In 2008 I accidentally became a yoga teacher and my life has never been the same.  Yoga has taught me more about myself than any other thing I’ve ever done in my life.  My physical body has morphed and changed over the years, I’ve gone on yoga retreats and practiced traditional yoga in India.  But when it all comes down to it, yoga leads me to myself.  And I’m so very grateful that I found yoga and yoga found me.

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What I love sharing

I LOVE yoga! I mean, I really LOVE it! I teach Vinyasa (flow style) Yoga which my teacher refers to as exercise on a mat. My goal is to teach yoga in a way that opens the students to all the beautiful aspects of yoga beyond just a pose on a mat. I teach every class based on Love, Compassion, Joy & Equanimity, which are the four keys to happiness found in verse 1.33 of The Yoga Sutras. This keeps me open and grounded so that the teaching comes through clearly. My classes are focused, fun, and creative. No matter how challenging the practice may be, it only makes us better and more present.

Be here now - don’t be here yesterday, tomorrow, last month or next year. Be here now, just as we are because this is a new day and LIFE is happening NOW!

My studies

  • 200hr Life Of A Yogi Teacher Training with Sri Dharma Mittra - 2008

  • 200hr Deva Yogi Teacher Training with Stephanie Snyder & Elise Lorimer - 2009

  • 100hrs Continuing Education Teacher Training with Jason Crandell - 2010

  • 500hr Life Of A Yogi Teacher Training with Sri Dharma Mittra - 2013

  • 800hr Life Of A Yogi Teacher Training with Sri Dharma Mittra - 2015


Off the mat

I’m an avid reader - I love books!!! I also love music. I still have my record and cd collections that started collecting when I was a kid. I had my first piano lesson on the first day of first grade. I was also in the school band and learned to play 7 instruments. I speak French and Spanish well enough to get by even though I studied both languages extensively in college. I’m terrible at catching flying objects. Teaching Yoga is my 5th career.


What people love about Martin…


“Everyone has the right to make a kite from their pants.”

— Mexican Proverb