
yogiLisa Willett



Lisa Willett

Twenty-one years ago, I decided to prioritize yoga and meditation following a life-changing savasana in my very first yoga class. I have had the good fortune and privilege to have the time, opportunity, and resources to spend time with great masters of yoga and meditation from India, Italy, and the United States.

Before yoga, I swam in a sea of confusion and suffering of my own making. Now I have a toolbox of skills to ease my own suffering, and the ability to share those tools with others.

My style of practicing and teaching yoga is slow and mindful. My intention is to help create more comfort, connection, and confidence in the body, mind, and soul.

May we know that whenever we take the time to tune our own instrument we are able to lend a more beautiful tone to the universal hum.


"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new doorway for the human spirit."

–Helen Keller


Travel With Lisa

Join Lisa’s Upcoming Euphoria Yoga Retreat


“May we each carve out the time and space to create peace within, and may we know that this is not a selfish act.”

- Lisa Willett


In Lisa’s Words


Tending the Garden

Life continues in chaos, and gardens can grow where once there was nothing but an idea. Each year, the garden is a little different. We make different choices. Some years we are at war with cucumber beetles, sometimes we end up with things we don’t remember planting, and sometimes things just fail to thrive. But there’s always another season, and another plan, and the sweetness of enjoying the fruit that you cultivated with your love and attention.


On the Mat

My signature offering is Mighty Sage Yoga, a curated blend of systematic joint rotations followed by a thoughtful collection of traditional and modern yoga postures. The postures are both appropriate for and beneficial to the wise practitioner. The pace will build with the week and can be modified for the individual to be more (or less) challenging. Mighty Sage Yoga builds strength, stability, and grace.

I also lead Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Pranayama and Restorative Yin Yoga. Learn to deeply relax, connect with your true nature, and tap into traditional wisdom to make modern life more comfortable and enjoyable.

My studies

  • 2006, Certification from The Walt Baptiste Method of Raja Yoga with Michele Hébert, and Mehrad Nazari

  • 2008, Certification from Baptiste Power of Yoga with Sherri Baptiste

  • 2010, Certification from The Himalayan Yoga Tradition

  • 2010, Mantra initiation from Swami Veda Bharati

  • 2010-2020, Owner of Yoga Community, a full-service yoga studio and school


Off the Mat

I am the founder and sole owner of Community Supply + The Community Classroom (formerly Yoga Community) in Sonoma, California. Community Supply is a shop dedicated to helping people reduce the use of plastics in the home by sourcing sustainable home goods and natural personal care products. We highlight local handmade goods. 90% of our shop shelves are dedicated to makers who are women. We #pledge15 percent of our shelf space to products made by people of color. The Community Classroom and Outdoor Community Classroom provide affordable space for mindful pursuits including yoga, meditation, martial arts, and more.


What people love about Lisa…


“Stop. Drop the shoulders. Take a deep inhale, and exhale with an audible sigh. Carry on. We can do hard things. It’s just what we do now.”

— Lisa Willett